Monday, July 20, 2009

Chloe Carmela

When I was 30 weeks along with Chloe, I started going into preterm labor. I went to the hospital at 2 that morning and had to stay for about 7 hours. They gave me 3 shots to stop the contractions and sent me home. I woke up the next morning bleeding, so I had to go back. I was still having contractions so they said they were keeping me. I was terrified, I wasn't showing at all, so I had no idea what would happen if I had her. They gave me two steroid shots in my hips and just kept giving me shots and pills to stop the contractions. They finally got them under control, but bad news I had to take medicine and stay on bed rest. At 36 weeks they took me off the medicine and said if you go, you go, everything will be fine. Well on April 16th I started having contractions, we went to the hospital and I was dilated to a one. They watched me for an hour but I only went up a half cm. They told me I could go home, I was so mad! I was just ready for it to be over. On April 18th around 1 am I starting having horrible contractions. I knew it was time. I kept telling my mom but she just kept saying no you're okay I don't want to be the one taking you home if they send you home again (haha I was super mad). Finally I just said fine I will take my self, and I think she finally believed me. When I got there I was dilated to a 3 and they said they were keeping me. With the help of back labor, let me just say I was a horrible patient. By 8 am I was ready for my epidural. Such an easy road from there, I even got to sleep. They said around one I would probably start pushing, and they were right. Chloe was here at 1:08 pm. She weighed 5lbs 12 oz, 19 inches long and a head full of hair. My brother Sean and his wife Lynzi were already in town, so it was perfect. Ses trent and the kids jumped in the car and were on their way, they got here about 2 hours after Chloe was born. It was so nice to have my whole family here to see Chloe after she was born. My two sisters, grandma, and mom were in the room with me. I always was convienced no one would be in the room but my mom, but when the time comes that is the last thing you worry about. Here are some pictures from when she was born....

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